Sunday, April 27, 2014

2 Week Results -

Hey Hey, it's results day!!!

I had a couple days that really were hard for me!  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday really killed me.  Sunday was GREAT until my little ones asked to make a Sunday treat.  How can I say no to these faces?
Yesterday was actually pretty good but I did eat some candy and had a couple swallows of soda which I haven't had in MONTHS!

Anyway,  my results for the 2nd week weren't as big but still awesome!

My waist I lost another inch! Hips, half an inch, my legs and arms kind of stayed the same. To celebrate my success I got me a couple new outfits!  Here is one of them!  I was always scared to rock the leggings, but I am loving them!  I have another outfit that is super awesome too!

Weight - 208 (Down 1.8 lbs)
Waist - 43 (1 inch)
Hips - 50.5 (1/2 inch)
Legs and Arms stayed the same!


  1. I like your new outfit-you look great!

    1. Thanks! I just looked at your cubscout blog that you did in the past and I am TOTALLY doing some of those things!
